
LA TRINIDAD: Strawberry Fields

Just a few minutes away from the downtown area of Baguio, La Trinidad's Strawberry Fields or better known as Strawberry Farm has always been a part of my itinerary when in the city. This is where you can have your fresh strawberries. Not only strawberries because on some part they also plant lettuce.
the biggest strawberry I've seen :)

It's not yet harvest time when we got there .. It's there planting season .. But there are also a few that can already be harvested.

the strawberry field
I've learned as I have seen about the procedure of planting .. As I wondered why they covered the soil with black plastic one planter said it is to keep the space and so that when it fruits it won't fall to the soil since its a vine type of plant.
one planter said that they watered it thrice a week ..
how it is being watered
application of fertilizer
ripe strawberry :)
what I always have when in Strawberry Farm .. is the .. Strawberry Ice Cream with real strawberry fruit .. yummy!
strawberry ice cream!
.. and besides the ice cream is the Strawberry Taho! .. a taho with real strawberry .. :)
strawberry sago & strawberry for taho
Strawberry Taho!
.. and of course the Strawberry! You can buy it either you harvest it yourself or straight from the sellers .. if you want to harvest it'll cost P150 pesos per kilo .. I experienced it and it was fun! :)
.. for souvenirs there are also stores in the area where you can buy locally made products..
.. some stores now even accept credit card transactions.


  1. strawberry's one of my favorite fruits, the other one's mango. been to la trinidad ages ago. i guess much has changed.

  2. @T indeed a lot has changed .. :) .. try to visit it again
